Friday, April 27, 2012

Take my Lips and Let them Be

Those who are familiar with the Christian hymn "Take my Life and Let it Be" might know the phrase that follows the title of this post. It comes from the third verse which reads:

Take my voice and let me sing,
Always, only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.

Lately I've been considering the power of words. Words can heal or harm. They can fight or make peace. They can pour out love or hatred. And as I considered these things, I reflected on the way I have used words in the past and how I use them presently. I'm ashamed to admit that I have often intentionally used words to hurt people. Whenever I was angry or upset at someone, I always seemed to know the words that would cut the deepest. I realize now that it is not too late to ask for forgiveness, so that will happen in the very near future. Presently, I have found that social media venues like Facebook, blogging, etc. present daily opportunities to use words for good or for evil. For example, you can post complaints, controversial opinions, quotes, song lyrics, photos, videos, slams at individuals who remain unnamed, and I'm sure many other things. As I considered this, I realized that what I say on these social media venues is of extreme importance. I am an ambassador of Christ. My King has called me and every other person who calls upon His name to be His representatives to the world (2 Cor. 5:20).Therefore, when I post or blog, I should write praises instead of complaints. I should build up instead of tear down. I should speak truth and not lies.

In other words, my lips should be filled with messages from God. That is not to say that I should incessantly quote Bible verses or only talk about spiritual things. Rather, I believe that to have lips filled with messages from God means to always speak words that honor God. An ambassador would never intentionally say anything to make his country look bad. In the same way, I don't want anything I say to give a poor reflection of the God I serve. In light of all this, I'm afraid I must confess that I have failed miserably in this area.

Sometimes it is really difficult for me to discern when it is appropriate to say something and when it is better to keep my mouth closed. This happens most often in everyday conversation. However, recently I have noticed that the real temptation occurs over social media venues. I knew from the get-go that posting something very controversial is a pretty cowardly way to present one's case. I mean think about it. I can post something that I know lots of people are going to disagree with, but its okay because I am hiding behind a computer screen! If people disagree with me, they will say something. But I may never have to see them, so it doesn't matter! Now I'm not saying people shouldn't have strong opinions. They should! There are far more effective ways to advocate a point, but they demand courage. Now as I'm writing this, I'm remembering that there are some instances when posting something controversial can be done in a good way. However, the only way this can be a good thing is if the statement being made is presented out of love and does not make its point through degrading the people who hold a different view.

To sum it all up, I know I haven't done the best job at always speaking words that honor God. Fortunately, God can redeem my lips. The lyrics of the hymn I posted are not just words to a song. They are a prayer. And it is my prayer that God will take my voice and let me sing for my King. It is my prayer that He will fill my lips with messages from Him.