Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Break, Sunshine, and lots of Singing

Spending two weeks with forty college-aged women isn't something that has ever been on my list of things to do before I die. However, that is precisely how I am spending my first spring break as a college student. Along with many students from around the country, I have been able to hit a couple of beautiful Florida beaches on my break from classes and homework. But my spring break is very different than that of the typical college student. This is my first time serving as a part of a traveling Christian music ministry. I have used school breaks to go on missions trips and work on local service projects, but I have never thought that performing music could be a legitimate form of Christian service. I am glad to say that I have now experienced otherwise.

I have been in my school choirs from the seventh grade through senior year. Looking back on that experience, I remember emotions ranging from joy to regret and even deep sadness. I loved performing in concerts and the community of friends the most. I often auditioned for solos, and I even got to sing my first ever duet with my sister in senior year. However, I was also very competitive about choir. I competed in contests and auditioned for the chamber choir. Sometimes I did well, but other times I failed to meet the standard. Hindsight has taught me how foolish of me it was to cry so many tears over not making the cut in chamber choir. All those tears and all that resentment are indicative of what my heart really treasured at that time. I desired to be recognized for my talents. I wanted to be grouped with "the best". I sinfully wanted all the glory for myself. And when I didn't get the praise and affirmation I wanted, I was devastated. I'm not exactly sure what made me join the Women's Choir at Moody. Maybe I was trying to redeem my failure of making the high school chamber choir. Maybe I just wanted to have another activity. More than likely, however, God wanted to teach me some lessons about what it means to find satisfaction in giving Him the glory instead of treasuring it for myself.

My experiences in the MBI Women's Concert Choir have taught me what it really means to sing for the glory of God. Unlike my high school choirs, all of the music we perform declares a part of the gospel, if not the whole thing! This alone has been an amazing discovery of a new way to worship. I don't mean to say that musical worship must be perfect in its presentation, but I do believe that truly beautiful music can be very God-honoring. The essential lesson I have learned through being a member of WCC is that I have to give up any desire for personal glory if I want to truly give God the glory in my singing.

Being on tour is exhausting. Traveling by bus for hours every day, staying at different host homes every night, and singing with full voice for hours are taxing on my body and soul. Temptations don't stop on spring break either. The decisions of how to spend my time on long bus rides, the patience required when interacting with host families, and the desire to give a 50% performance in a concert all represent the kinds of temptations I have encountered on tour. Furthermore, it is very easy to be selfish when you have 39 other young women each defending her own highest comfort- myself included. If that sounds difficult, then I accurately described the difficulty of a two-week long choir tour. However, if you have ever been involved in any kind of ministry, you know that difficulty is always present. Mission trips are always exhausting, composing sermons is difficult, meeting physical and spiritual needs is taxing, and those are just a few areas of ministry. Fortunately, the joy that is the result of fruitful ministry is worth every moment of difficulty.

Performing in choir concerts has given me great joy as God has been teaching how to perform for Him. Our director has taught us the importance of being ladies who possess poise and grace. Hearing the stories of God's faithfulness in the lives of believers all around the country through host homes has been amazing. We have also learned how to minister to and be ministered by the church. However, the most significant blessing of this tour has been the realization that I can enjoy singing and being in a choir without the competitive, self-serving attitude I had in high school. I don't feel compelled to be the best, so long as I am giving my best for Jesus. I won't fight for any glory but the glory of my King. Choir has enabled me to learn yet another way to fulfill the command, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing. You are an encouragement to me, and have a sweet, caring, and gentle heart. That is awesome to see how God opened that door for you.
    Let me know the next time you are performing. I would love to come out and hear!
