Sunday, January 1, 2012

Honestly, It's hard to be this honest.

The only thing harder than trying to maintain a front you've put up, is trying to disassemble it once the whole charade begins to sicken you. Lately, I've been learning firsthand about the freedom and the blessings that can come from being honest with people. Now before you wince as you imagine me "speaking my mind" on everything I have an opinion on, let me assuage your (legitimate) concerns. Firstly, I am a firm believer that there are times when it is wisest to hold one's tongue. Knowing when and what to keep to oneself is an art that most in this life have not mastered. I do not pretend to have mastered it myself. It is also important that you know that this blog will not be a "rant" against things I dislike; nor will it be an awkward confessional of my personal life. Rather, I hope that this blog will serve as a window into my heart. I want people to see a glimpse of the spark that is the source of all my passions. I want people to identify with the things that cause me grief or heartache. The window analogy I've used is chosen carefully. A window lets you look inside without all the commitment required of walking through the door. Only my King has full access to the recesses of my heart, and that alone is a fear-inspiring thought for me to consider.

All that to say, I intend to do my best in this blog to really just be myself. I won't try to sound perfect or like I have everything figured out. (Although I am a stickler about decent grammar). :) Furthermore, I realize that I am setting myself up for judgment by writing this blog. My big dreams may seem outlandish to some. The things that make me sad may not cause another person to bat an eyelash. Undoubtedly, the frequent references to Jesus will frustrate some. Regardless, I'm not too troubled about potential criticism. I invite it even.

So I hope you can enjoy reading the reflections of my heart. They will not be unedited, but they will be honest. They will not be intensely personal, but they will be revealing. But most importantly, they will not be for me or my glory, but for the fame of my King.


  1. Great first blog! I am excited to read these. It will be a nice way to keep in touch since we won't see each other until April. (That is… if I don't visit you before then which I really want to do!)

  2. Your words are so inspiring and eye-opening. Thanks being such a bright light! We are but harbingers of the timeless words and truth God has given us, and you do a really great job at finding the perfect Scripture references to support what you are proposing!
